Team Member
- Dr. Ryan Fraser Kirwan (PI)
- Industry Partner(s): ST Electronics (Info-Software Systems)
Project Start & End Date
Channel of Collaboration and/or Funding
Problem to Solve
- Using a set of code templates, the Variable Configuration Language (VCL) framework is capable of automatically generating a full running web system from definitions of entities, properties, relationships, and system
- Existing development environments provide limited support for the development of code auto-generation features, and configuration of the auto-generated code itself. Herein a tool is
presented that supports the VCL framework that aims to reduce development cost while also facilitating efficient learning of VCL and its auto-generation framework.
Solution and Notable Contribution
- In this work, the VACVIS tool is developed to encourage exploration through the hierarchical structure of the VCL framework in a visual and interactive approach. Visualizations aid
developers in understanding the framework during the development process, hence enhancing the auto-generation and maintenance of the systems produced with VCL.
- The tool developed is further enhanced and integrated into Visual Studio IDE as an extension.
- R. Kirwan, J. Che, W.J. Le, S. Sarin, “A Visualization and Analysis tool for VCL Auto-generation Code Framework”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI).